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My journey building a healthier self!

I'm IΛCO, a PhD engineer, and I love to research evidence-based & practical solutions that help us create positive habits! My goal is to build a healthier, happier, wealthier and productivier* life!

I share my adventures and strategies on developing new healthier habits here:

My Steps For A Healthier Self

On my self-improvement journey, I will apply the “Improvement Diamond”:

Step  —  Identify areas to improve

When the goal is to improve our life overall, it is always a good idea to start with our physical health, which directly impacts:

  • our performance
  • our mood
  • our own happiness and the happiness of people we live with
  • our ability to plan and focus
  • our energy levels and motivation… and many more!

In the article below I explain a bit more about my strategy for positive habits to improve my physical health:

Step  —  Design upgrade plans

I firmly believe that we can all build a healthier life, and by ‘healthier’

Step  —  Build healthier habits and lifestyles

I firmly believe that we can all build a healthier life, and by ‘healthier’

Step  —  Love the journey, love yourself

I firmly believe that we can all build a healthier life, and by ‘healthier’

Remember to follow and enjoy the journey with me 🙂

Check out my latest content!

Productivity, health, habits & more...

This is just a message to test how it will display in the corner of the screen of my website and let's see!
I like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahah
I like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahah
I like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahah