One step at a time

Healthier Habits I'm Building Right Now

I used to think habits were about repetition... Little did I know they are about enjoyment!

In order to enjoy life, I think it is important to first take care of our body, after all it will support us on every activity we do, physical or mental… so let’s treat it with some love ;)

I like to organise our physical health in 3 dimensions:

Nutrition 🍉

A nutritiously balanced diet means we consciously choose what we eat. And of course, making it enjoyable is part of the adventure!

Exercise 💪

Our bodies evolved for movement, so the secret here is find out which activity makes us the happiest, and stick to it on the long term!

Sleep 😴

When we sleep, our brain and body are not just resting, they are working hard: cleaning up and fixing memories, repairing and healing muscles…

All of us probably know about these 3 dimensions, it is kinda “common sense”, but why is it so hard for us to create healthier habits around them?

For me, I l we try to answer these questions:

  • what defines a nutritious diet? 🍉
  • what regular and proper exercise is? 💪
  • what does it mean to sleep well? 😴

I will list below what is my current strategy to tackle such questions, and how I’m working to develop 3 healthier habits to increase my physical health:

Eat a Nutritious Diet 🍉

I am following a weekly 6-days meal plan 🍉

The basics I am following are simple:

  • Be sure to meet the weekly nutritional needs: minimum of 6 x RDA (Reference Daily Intake). In practice, it means some days may be slightly lower in some nutrients, but the other days will then compensate.
  • Eat as low as possible of unecessary or detrimental elements (such as refined sugar/oil, saturated fat, cholesterol, etc).
  • Try to make it simple and delicious: incorporate meal prep in my routine, incorporate foods I love in the plan (cake ;)

In summary:

It may take some time for you to find a good diet plan, but in any case it is important to keep in mind: t does not mean eating boring food. It does not mean paying extreme attention to calories. It does not mean

Exercise Regularly 💪


Sleep Well 😴

This one may seem the easiest, but as I am writing this very text I am actually harming my health a bit. It is exactly 00:01 and I should be sleeping…


To know more about the evidence-based and practical solutions I am using, follow me on my Instagram and my YouTube:

#30medium – not #75hard ;)

#30medium – not #75hard ;)

This is just a message to test how it will display in the corner of the screen of my website and let's see!
I like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahah
I like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahah
I like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahah