My collection of insights and tools for

The productive tools I recommend

Hi, welcome! I will list here some techniques I tested or am currently testing that help me building healthier habits

We all would like to be “more productive”, right?

Well, not so fast… Do we really want to use less time enjoying our “hot morning drink” (be it coffee ☕️ or chocolate 🍫)? Or use less time with our family and friends?

There are things in life we do not wish to be more efficient. That’s why we should always keep in mind the following question when we commit to something:

Considering the activity I will engage with. Does it require efficiency, or enjoyment in order to be the most successful?

If it requires enjoyment, then this list is not for that 😉 (with maybe the exception of the ‘Calendar’ below)

📆 Calendar

🍅 Pomodoro

dafjl ladfj lsadjf kdsj faksd fk fk

asf asf saf sadf sadf asdf asdf sad

sfiasjflkjsad fsalkdjflkdsajf kl;sdjf als;kdjf dsjfklsdj fs sjdkf

sdljf sdjf dsfj sdjf sdkjfh sdhdskjfhsdkjfh kjdsfh skd

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⏲️ 2min Rule



dafjl ladfj lsadjf kdsj faksd fk fk

asf asf saf sadf sadf asdf asdf sad

sfiasjflkjsad fsalkdjflkdsajf kl;sdjf als;kdjf dsjfklsdj fs sjdkf

sdljf sdjf dsfj sdjf sdkjfh sdhdskjfhsdkjfh kjdsfh skd

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Check out my latest video!

Productivity, health, sleep & more...

My Evidence-Based Diet – How to Eat Healthy? (and Enjoy it!)

With this app I was finally able to eat healthier - and it is 100% free!

This is just a message to test how it will display in the corner of the screen of my website and let's see!
I like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahah
I like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahah
I like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahahI like to see how it will display if the text is really really big enourmously big hahahah